10 Skills Needed To Be A Counsellor

14th April 2021

A specialized counsellor is a highly-trained individual who is able to use a diverse range of counselling methods with their patrons. Nowadays, a career as a counsellor is a lucrative job prospect and if you are interested in a career in counselling, then you need certain, specific skills. There is a huge variance between a counsellor and a person who applies some counselling skills as part of his/her role. Therefore, you need to gain the efficiency to be a school counsellor.

Professional counselling is the development of forming relationships with persons that empower them to try for better mental health and wellness, education along with career goals. Counselling is a relationship of trust where privacy is the chief factor for a successful counselling session.

Before just jumping into the student counselling techniques, let’s just see what counselling is NOT:

  • Struggling to sort out the problems of the client.
  • Giving instruction or advice.
  • Being judgemental.
  • Getting emotionally intricate with the patron.
  • Expecting the client to act as the counsellor.
  • Looking at a client’s complications from your viewpoint.
  • An immediate solution is also not found in a counselling programme or session.

Here are 10 mostly required skills required for a counselling job:

1. Strong Communication Skills

You will need outstanding spoken communication skills to talk to several people efficiently including clients and colleagues. Often counsellors have to question his/her clients and conduct interviews. Counsellors also need to be skilful enough to not disappoint or cause anxiety to clients.

2. Clear Understanding Of Ethics

In this contemporary job world, sometimes, you may have to work with a client for months or even years, so having the aptitude for building relationships is significant. Along with that, a clear understanding of ethical sense to keep sessions confidential to ensure their safety is also necessary. Moreover, you need to keep this in mind when dealing with others that your work may have noteworthy effects on people. This is something that you can learn through undertaking counselling training for teachers.

3. Patience

The job of a counsellor can be very penetrating and challenging. You need to advance satisfactory emotional strength as well as patience to keep yourself driven even when results aren’t promptly obvious.

4. Strong Questioning Skills

Well, usually, there are two types of questioning styles that a counsellor should be able to apply, these are open questioning and closed questioning. Being accomplished in questioning methods can help a counsellor to interpret what a client is saying in a better way and it can help them to think more deeply.

5. Non-judgemental Approach

A skilled counsellor's job isn't to pass personal judgement on a client's actions or feelings; in its place, through talking therapy, a counsellor can aim to aid clients to see things evidently with a more optimistic viewpoint. Well, here, the client must feel free to prompt their opinions and feelings without any judgement, criticism or denunciation. As a proficient counsellor you need to manage your responses in a supportive and professional method.

6. Solid Problem-solving skills

You need to be able to solve problems as they arise if you want to be a counsellor. You also need to have different strategies accessible and be able to implement them fast to safeguard your client. There are explicit problem-solving approaches that counsellors usually use, and you can learn these in student counselling techniques.

7. Firm Observational Skills

To be a successful counsellor, you must be able to observe a person’s facial expressions, body language, and social interactions in appointments. This helps to find inklings that determine their attitude and behaviour. You also need to know how to conduct interviews, watch for specific behaviours, and observe your client carefully to be able to help them.

8. Empathetic Assistances

Counsellors should have a strong empathetic sense. Empathy goes beyond being sympathetic as the root of the word means to ‘feel with’. Empathy, therefore, means that the counsellor knows how the clients feel. Consequently, they ask apt questions to positive conclusions. The nature of empathy is rooted in helping others, and particularly in empowering them to help themselves, so this is an indispensable skill area for counsellors.

9. Computer Skills

In today’s world, this skill is being required in almost every kind of field. To be a successful counsellor, you should know how to use a computer so that you can take notes, download and save reports as well as client files. You also need to know how to use specific medical software for recording client information, spreadsheet and word-processing programs for writing reports, and so on.

10. Active Listening Skills

Active listening skill is imperative, as an ability, for a counsellor to have. It can be well-defined as the use of eye contact, facial expressions and signals to suggest that you are engaged and focused on the information. It can help a client feel like they've been perceived and confirmed in the information they chose to share.

Counselling is about forming strong associations with your clients that will allow them to achieve a stable mental health and fulfil their goals. As you can see, there are some certain skills that you need to have if you want to be a counsellor, and you can learn them by studying counselling training for teachers.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey as a counsellor today!


Written By : Bindita Sinha

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