10 Best TED Talks For School Counsellors

23rd September 2021

Often times, others have the capacity to explain the significance and benefits of social-emotional learning (SEL) a little better than we can comprehend. It is completely okay to be willing to handover the mic in certain situations. Possibly it’s a diverse point of view, different understanding, or a different work atmosphere that a whole new perspective presents on the table. This is among the main reasons why School Counsellors need to watch TED Talks.

The thing is that there is abundant valuable information available on the internet. As hard as we may try, or as much as we are willing to, it’s impossible take on everything when it comes to encouraging and teaching social-emotional learning as a counsellor adept at student counselling techniques.

So, what makes TED Talks so effective?

To be very specific, TED talks are different from other forms of presentations as it acts as an effectual medium to impart precise and easy to comprehend information targeted at a particular set of audience. The planners of such events and talks aren’t in it for the profit; they put in their hard work passionately to spread ideas.

When it’s time to refer someone

As someone with a degree in school counselling courses, it can turn and feel draining to try to support certain causes. It may be regarding something in school or with co-workers, speaking with parents about their children, or even working with children. And yes, it is absolutely okay for even the most compassionate, caring counsellor to become overwhelmed, or even experience burn out from trying to gently get a point across.

For such school counsellors, it’s a blessing that the internet is alive and well, and full of remarkable speakers who are great orators with brilliant minds.

So, when you find yourself running in circles and repeating over and over, or simply feel the necessity to pass the baton, you can just refer to the internet. And the great news is, individuals leisure away their time on the internet. So, yay!!!

Enter the SEL TED Talks for School Counsellors:

It is quite impressive and prestigious to present a TED talk. When you feel like you’re in a deep puddle or is being taken lightly, there could be an expert out there sharing experiences and throwing light to drive home your purpose.

Additionally, you can use these SEL related TED Talks to support your point of view, your experience, and mission to combine SEL into the school curriculum. As we can get that having a prominent personality or celeb speaker saying the exact same thing you’ve been trying to say for long, may carry more weightage. Plus, it makes a noticeable difference and takes a little work off your plate.

Listed here are top 10 Ted Talks for school counsellors:

1. How Social-Emotional Learning Benefits Everyone
2. Make Stress Your Friend
3. 10 Ways to have a better Conversation
4. How to Raise Successful Kids without Over-parenting
5. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
6. The Superpower of Resilience
7. Procrastination
8. We are all Different and That’s Awesome.
9. Every Kid Needs a Champion
10. How to Not Take Things Personally

There’s certainly some benefit in recommending your peers to an outstanding TED talk, you get to revisit the subject again.

If you’re following up with a co-worker, a simple chit-chat in the staff room or teacher’s lounge, to see what they thought of it, can help them process what they’ve learned and help you in gaining newer insights as well.

If it is for a parent, you can try sending a follow-up TED Talk, ask for their comprehension on the matter, or provide them with an activity related to the presentation that they can practice with their child.

Written By : Ipsita Roy

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