Bullying in the classroom

14th February 2020

Bullying is one of the most common occurrences that you can find in almost all schools. It is a kind of behaviour defined by aggression and the motive to hurt someone. It is a problem that has been affecting millions of schools and school students across various countries. Bullies can be of various types. ...

Written By : admin

Role of Empathy in Counselling

4th February 2020

In recent times, child behaviour problems and related issues are on the rise gradually, as a result of increasing academic pressures, difficulties in adjusting with parents, teachers and peers as well as adjusting themselves in the rapid transition of life are among the major reasons behind unpredictable behavioural issues. ...

Who should pursue school counselling courses

30th January 2020

In this age of modern technology and smart classes, the nature and temperament of the children are changing therefore, it is necessary for the teachers to be always on their toes and know the approaches to managing their behavioural difficulties and tantrums and help them achieve their educational goals and reach their best potentials. ...